Top 100 Artists List

It’s a surprise and delight to discover I have been again included in the Top 100 Artists list of “Who’s Hot and Collectable in Australian Art.”

Compiled by a (mysterious) anonymous group of working artists, commentators, gallerists and collectors, the list contains an amazing group of artists, many of whom I am honoured to know as friends.

That photo from 7 years ago with the truely hideous haircut will, it seems, haunt me forever. But very happy to be included again in such esteemed company.



Article and interview in the always amazing Plastik magazine

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Making it matter!

A recent interview with Give It Mouth. 

Give It Mouth is a platform dedicated to spreading the ideas of those making a difference. They subscribe to the (kinda radical) philosophy that creative thinkers can balance artfulness and commercial reality. And give it a voice. Or as they put it; give it mouth. 

In the course of our interview, Dr Naomi Skeletonburg examined the phycology behind the process and uncovered some surprising parallels between my crashing a paraglider into a forest and life as a creative. 

“Tell us your name! … once more … give it mouth!” 
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations.


A webzine from Brazil. A translation from journalist Mylena Fontes is: The Australian artist Matthew Quick works mainly with classic painting, using very well the oil on canvas technique. Matthew plays with the image and aesthetic of classical sculptures. In this series he exposes a super contemporary theme with humor and criticism, where the statues are "victims" of an anachronism, a chronological inconsistency.
