Stanthorpe Art Prize

The golden age redux.jpg

Happy to announce my painting Performance Review is a finalist in this year's Stanthorpe Art Prize. 

Here's a little about the picture:
When you strip away the pomp and palaces, being a King is just a job. A kind of CEO if you like. Albeit one awarded at conception. And like all jobs, periodically a performance reviews is required. (different however, is that historically many of these involved violence, revolution, severed heads).

Louis XIV had this job. And he made some questionable business decisions. Like moving the entire Court from the Louvre to Versailles, thereby severing any semblance of connection to the actual people of France. Reckless and indulgent to the end, his successors bore the responsibilty of mopping up his mess.

Maybe it was because he got the job by birth rather than talent, but needless to say it didn’t go well. And when the time came for his performance review, the report concluded with his beheading.

They didn’t really go for the whole three warnings shtick back then.